You are at the center of consciousness…Everything is connected
This world is quite a wondrous place and we have to preserve and recognize that quality. We have lived pretty well over the past decades here in wars, not famine and up until now, pretty wealthy in resources. That is coming to a screeching halt though as the problems of that extraction are staring us in the face, not just locally but globally. There is a limit to nature's resources and we are getting a crash course in environmental realities. But we have inner resources to guide us in how to right the situation and know instinctively what is beneficial in the long run and what is not working.
The Sacred Hoop of Life
Webster's Dictionary defines the word "preposterous" as....."contrary to nature, reason and common sense. A lot of what is going on is preposterous but humans have bought into it in the name of private greed and personal gain, often at the expense of other lives and the well being of all.
So now we need to work together to solve problems, repair the devastation, prohibit ongoing ecocide and build a new society founded on caring, sharing and right relationships with all life. It can be fun and positive, people of all ages putting their minds and hearts together to build a society that serves us all in the long run. There are so many already doing this. We need to join in, get going, get positive, the possibilities and solutions are all around us...bring health and happiness to the world. Nurture the heart and soul of each living being and that means everything from humans to birds, trees, fish, animals, plants and all life. Feed the good and beautiful, the collective connection we have to everything and in that way, we feed and nurture ourselves. Let go of things that divide us, we are all in this together. Live free, think free, be free, set free.
Wild Salmon
This is a time for positive change and we are it. It is what we are here for and it is good to be alive. I greet the day and am grateful. All we have is what comes to us, it is a full circle. Our energy, our voice, feelings, body and instincts are what we own. Use them wisely, take action and make magic happen. The time is now.
You are special and wonderful and I thank you! Lead the way......