“View from the edge”…a gentler scene.
Life to ashes,
Steel to rust,
Liquids to gases,
And Gold to dust…
It is all changing
In a moment of time,
Live it and love it
And let it all
Welcome to Earth!
An amazing experience.
No one gets out alive
in the material sense,
But as we enter
The ontological age
We will see the infinity
And understand the connection
Of it all
“Fishing on the ocean”… a little fish hanging I did for a good friend
Happy Solstice, Feed the good 💖😊💥❤️🔥💕💖 …..
And may all your good dreams come through.
Thank you for a great year…on to 2025!
Thanks Susanne! That was a lovely Solstice thought or three. Thought of you on the edge during
the last big storm. The tame east coast is raining fish this year. Hurrah say eagles and b ear.