These Are Powerful Times
As we approach the Solstice......Things are shifting rapidly, globally and cosmically...
“Lion’s Roar” pencil and pen drawing by my granddaughter Laterra Lawson
I am asking the guides, the dreamers, the ancestors to show the way...for us to be our true selves and to act in accordance with that purpose.
Life everywhere is watching and waiting...a creative force is opening up the doorways to truth, beauty, to the cosmos.
We are uniting with more than ourselves, more than family, community, regions, countries....we are expanding out into the universe as it calls to us to become aware of much more and remember original connections.
Our horizons are widening...light is being ushered in...things are shifting....away from blame and friction to understanding and unity. All is one and consciousness is merging.
“Weaving the Sacred Hoop”
We humans get caught up in a web of issues, polarization’s, criticisms that lead nowhere but to step out of that imbalance into wholeness becomes the only path forward. We have our inner knowing in how to incorporate the outer world and as we focus on that, we know the force that we wield. Trust the inner knowing.
Create what we want, see the magic all around us that helps us fuse the creative energies with desire. Be. Feed the Good, the strong, the beautiful. Do no harm. Honor life and be grateful for the power it holds and that feeds and nourishes us.
Each of us is wielding the power of this life force. No one and nothing is greater or less than what each contains and every ripple is weaving the web of the whole into a great fabric.
“Birth of a Crystal”
This time is potent for good. Hold that light force. Feel it’s power and step into its illumination. This is a new dawning of a new world illuminating true humane beings.
The darkness of the new moon tonight begins a new cycle in a critical time…new beginnings for a better world, holding the light.
That is a pencil and ink sketch by my granddaughter, Laterra. She is in her mid twenties and is an outdoor enthusiast and very talented.
Did you sketch ✍️ that? It’s a 💯